-ROSE-8 v0.2.1
+ROSE-8 v0.2.2
ISA by Jordan Rose
-Eight completely symmetric general-purpose registers (r0-7)
-Special registers: pc (16-bit address), it (accumulator), data1 (segment), data2 (segment), code (segment)
+* Eight completely symmetric general-purpose registers (r0-7) - initially 0
+* pc (16-bit address) - initially 0
+* it (accumulator) - initially 0
+* code (segment) - initially 1
+* data1 (segment) - initially 255
+* data2 (segment) - initially 254
-0000_0000 STOP (invalid)
- 0001 NOPE "no operation" (with a more fun mnemonic)
- 0010 PRNT print it (for debugging or toy programs)
- 0011
+0000_0000 STOP halts execution, like an invalid instruction
+ 0001 NOPE "no operation" (with a more fun mnemonic)
+ 0010 PRNT print it (for debugging or toy programs)
+ 0011 WAIT spin or sleep until data1[it] > 0, then decrement data1[it] (for MMIO)
- 0110 CABA call absolute code[it], it <- return addr, code <- return segment
- 0111 COFA call offset pc ± it, it <- return offset (-it + 1)
+ 0110 CABA call absolute code[it], it <- return addr, code <- return segment
+ 0111 COFA call offset pc ± it, it <- return offset (-it + 1)
-0000_1ooo ALU1 it <- {zero, lsl1, lsr1, asr1, incr, decr, comp, negt} it
+0000_1ooo ALU1 it <- {zero, lsl1, lsr1, asr1, incr, decr, comp, negt} it
-0001_0000 GET1 it <- data1
- 0001 GET2 it <- data2
- 0010 GETC it <- code
- 0011 (reserved for another special register)
+0001_0000 GET1 it <- data1
+ 0001 GET2 it <- data2
+ 0010 GETC it <- code
+ 0011 (reserved for another special register)
- 1000 SET1 data1 <- it
- 1001 SET2 data2 <- it
- 1010 SETC code <- it
- 1011 (reserved for another special register)
+ 1000 SET1 data1 <- it
+ 1001 SET2 data2 <- it
+ 1010 SETC code <- it
+ 1011 (reserved for another special register)
-0010_0aaa GETR it <- it
- 0_1aaa SETR ra <- it
- 1_0aaa SWAP ra <- it, it <- ra
- 1_1aaa ISLT "is less than", for testing overflow / carries: it <- (it < ra) ? 1 : 0
+0010_0aaa GETR it <- it
+ 0_1aaa SETR ra <- it
+ 1_0aaa SWAP ra <- it, it <- ra
+ 1_1aaa ISLT "is less than", for testing overflow / carries: it <- (it < ra) ? 1 : 0
-01oo_oaaa ALUR it <- it {addr, subr, andr, iorr, xorr, lslr, lsrr, asrr} ra
+01oo_oaaa ALUR it <- it {addr, subr, andr, iorr, xorr, lslr, lsrr, asrr} ra
-100i_0aaa LD1U it <- data1[ra], then ra += i
- 0i_1aaa ST1U data1[ra] <- it, then ra += i
- 1i_0aaa LD2U it <- data2[ra], then ra += i
- 1i_1aaa ST2U data2[ra] <- it, then ra += i
+1000_0aaa LD1R it <- data1[ra]
+ 00_1aaa ST1R data1[ra] <- it
+ 01_0aaa LD1U it <- data1[ra], then ra += 1
+ 01_1aaa ST1U data1[ra] <- it, then ra += 1
+ 10_0aaa LD2R it <- data2[ra]
+ 10_1aaa ST2R data2[ra] <- it
+ 11_0aaa LD2U it <- data2[ra], then ra += 1
+ 11_1aaa ST2U data2[ra] <- it, then ra += 1
110x_xaaa (reserved w/ register)
-1110_xaaa (reserved w/ register)
+1110_0aaa LD2D ra -= 1, then it <- data2[ra]
+1110_1aaa ST2D ra -= 1, then data2[ra] <- it
1111_00oo iiiiiiii ALUI it <- it {andi, iori, xori, (see below)} i
0011 0iiiiiii ADDI it <- it + i
- 0011 10oooiii BITI it <- it {roli, lsli, lsri, asri, clri, insi, togi, exti} i
+ 0011 10oooiii BITI it <- it {roli, lsli, lsri, asri, (clri), (insi), (togi), exti} i
0011 11iiiiii ADDI it <- it + (whole field, thus allowing many negative numbers)
0100 iiiiiiii BEZI branch pc ± i if it == 0
0101 iiiiiiii JOFI jump offset to pc ± i
110x iiiiiiii (reserved w/ immediate)
1110 iiiiiiii GETI it <- i
1111 xxxxxxxx EXT1 extended encoding for "future-proofing"
-11 free no-argument encodings
-6 free register encodings - possibly load-then-decrement? possibly 16-bit ADD and SUB with register pairs?
-6 free immediate encodings
-Some dubiously "nice" properties:
-- 0 is invalid
-- 1111_xxxx takes immediate
-- Register instructions are all consecutive (0010_0aaa through 1110_1aaa)
-- No reg/imm ops, so data line can be the immediate
-- Two data segments, because I'm generous like that
-- get/set pairs consistently differentiated by bit 5
-- Future-proofing! Because that's definitely a thing that this set needs
-- The nicest instruction is "ADDR r5"
-- Near and far calls (okay, this is not nice)