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[ess] / src / parser.rs
1 //! Functions to parse s-expressions and expression atoms.
2 //!
3 //! This module contains the core parsing machinery.
4 //!
5 //! * If you're interested in getting a parsed s-expression that you can use,
6 //! then looking at [`parse`] and [`parse_one`] are your best bet.
7 //! * If you want to write your own parsers that contain s-expressions,
8 //! [`ParseResult`] and [`parse_expression`] will be the most useful to you.
9 //!
10 //! [`parse`]: fn.parse.html
11 //! [`parse_one`]: fn.parse_one.html
12 //! [`ParseResult`]: enum.ParseResult.html
13 //! [`parse_expression`]: fn.parse_expression.html
15 use sexp::Sexp;
16 use span::{ByteSpan, Span};
18 // Parsing Types ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 /// Represents what to do next in partially completed parsing.
21 ///
22 /// `ParseResult` is returned from all intermediate parsers. If you just want to
23 /// get back parsed s-expressions, you won't need to worry about this type since
24 /// the top level parsers just return a `Result`.
25 ///
26 /// If the parser failed to produce a result, it will return `Error`, and if it
27 /// succeeded we'll get the `Done` variant containing the value produced and the
28 /// rest of the text to work on.
29 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
30 pub enum ParseResult<'a, T, E> {
31 /// The parser succeeded, this contains first the un-consumed portion of the
32 /// input then the result produced by parsing.
33 Done(&'a str, T),
34 /// The parser failed, the `E` represents the reason for the failure.
35 Error(E),
36 }
38 /// Indicates how parsing failed.
39 ///
40 /// Most `ParseError` variants contain a `Box<ParseError>` that represents the
41 /// cause of that error. Using this, `ParseError` variants can be chained to
42 /// produce a more complete picture of what exactly went wrong during parsing.
43 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
44 pub enum ParseError<Loc = ByteSpan>
45 where
46 Loc: Span,
47 {
48 /// Parsing reached the end of input where not expecting to, usually this
49 /// will be contained inside another `ParseError` like `String(box
50 /// UnexpectedEof, ...)` which indicates that the closing quote was never
51 /// found.
52 UnexpectedEof,
53 /// Some problem occurred while parsing a list, along with the cause of that
54 /// error.
55 List(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
56 /// Some problem occurred while parsing an s-expression. This will only be
57 /// generated if EOF is reached unexpectedly at the beginning of
58 /// `parse_expression`, so it should probably be removed.
59 Sexp(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
60 /// Some problem occurred while parsing a character literal, along with the
61 /// cause of the error.
62 Char(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
63 /// Some problem occurred while parsing a string literal, along with the
64 /// cause of the error.
65 String(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
66 /// Some problem occurred while parsing a symbol, along with the cause of
67 /// the error.
68 Symbol(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
69 /// Some problem occurred while parsing a number literal, along with the
70 /// cause of the error.
71 Number(Box<ParseError>, Loc),
72 /// An unexpected character was found. This will usually be the root cause
73 /// in some chain of `ParseError`s.
74 Unexpected(char, Loc::Begin),
75 }
76 use self::ParseResult::*;
78 // Parsing Utilities ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80 trait IsDelimeter {
81 fn is_delimiter(&self) -> bool;
82 }
84 impl IsDelimeter for char {
85 fn is_delimiter(&self) -> bool {
86 self.is_whitespace()
87 || *self == ';'
88 || *self == '('
89 || *self == ')'
90 || *self == '['
91 || *self == ']'
92 || *self == '{'
93 || *self == '}'
94 || *self == '"'
95 || *self == '\''
96 || *self == '`'
97 || *self == ','
98 }
99 }
101 macro_rules! consume_whitespace {
102 ($input:expr, $start_loc:expr, $ErrorFn:expr) => {
103 if let Some(pos) = $input.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace()) {
104 (&$input[pos..], $start_loc + pos)
105 } else {
106 return Error($ErrorFn(
107 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
108 ($input.len(), $input.len()).offset($start_loc),
109 ));
110 }
111 };
112 }
114 // Top Level Parsers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116 /// Parse a sequence of s-expressions.
117 ///
118 /// This function returns `(Vec<Sexp>, Option<ParseError>)` so that it can
119 /// return partial results, for when some component parses successfully and a
120 /// later part fails.
121 ///
122 /// # Errors
123 ///
124 /// If the text contains an invalid s-expression (imbalanced parenthesis,
125 /// quotes, invalid numbers like 123q, etc.) then the parser will stop and
126 /// return an error. Every s-expression before that point that successfully
127 /// parsed will still be returned.
128 ///
129 /// # Examples
130 ///
131 /// We can get useful partial results
132 ///
133 /// ```rust
134 /// # use ess::parser::parse;
135 /// let (exprs, err) = parse("1 2 3 ( 4");
136 /// assert_eq!(exprs.len(), 3);
137 /// assert!(err.is_some());
138 /// ```
139 pub fn parse(mut input: &str) -> (Vec<Sexp>, Option<ParseError>) {
140 let mut start_loc = 0;
141 let mut results = Vec::new();
142 loop {
143 match parse_expression(input, start_loc) {
144 Done(rest, result) => {
145 input = rest;
146 start_loc = result.get_loc().1;
147 results.push(result);
148 if rest.trim() == "" {
149 return (results, None);
150 }
151 }
152 Error(err) => {
153 return (results, Some(err));
154 }
155 }
156 }
157 }
159 /// Parses a single s-expression, ignoring any trailing text.
160 ///
161 /// This function returns a pair of the parsed s-expression and the tail of the text.
162 ///
163 /// # Errors
164 ///
165 /// If the text begins with an invalid s-expression (imbalanced parenthesis,
166 /// quotes, invalid numbers like 123q, etc.) then the parser will return an
167 /// error. Any text after the first s-expression doesn't affect the parsing.
168 ///
169 /// # Examples
170 ///
171 /// ```rust
172 /// # use ess::parser::parse_one;
173 /// let (expr, rest) = parse_one("1 (").unwrap();
174 /// assert_eq!(rest, " (");
175 /// ```
176 pub fn parse_one(input: &str) -> Result<(Sexp, &str), ParseError> {
177 match parse_expression(input, 0) {
178 Done(rest, result) => Ok((result, rest)),
179 Error(err) => Err(err),
180 }
181 }
183 // Core Parsers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 // TODO: All of these parsers deserve docs, but since they're somewhat internal
186 // parsers, it's less critical than the rest of the API.
188 #[allow(missing_docs)]
189 pub fn parse_expression(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
190 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::Sexp);
192 match input.chars().next() {
193 Some('0'...'9') => parse_number(input, start_loc),
194 Some('(') | Some('{') | Some('[') => parse_list(input, start_loc),
195 Some('#') => parse_character(input, start_loc),
196 Some('"') => parse_string(input, start_loc),
197 Some('\'') => match parse_expression(&input[1..], start_loc + 1) {
198 Done(rest, result) => {
199 let span = *result.get_loc();
200 let quote_span = (0, 1).offset(start_loc);
201 Done(
202 rest,
203 Sexp::List(
204 vec![Sexp::Sym("quote".into(), quote_span), result],
205 quote_span.union(&span),
206 ),
207 )
208 }
209 err => err,
210 },
211 Some('`') => match parse_expression(&input[1..], start_loc + 1) {
212 Done(rest, result) => {
213 let span = *result.get_loc();
214 let quote_span = (0, 1).offset(start_loc);
215 Done(
216 rest,
217 Sexp::List(
218 vec![Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), quote_span), result],
219 quote_span.union(&span),
220 ),
221 )
222 }
223 err => err,
224 },
225 Some(',') => {
226 if input[1..].chars().next() == Some('@') {
227 match parse_expression(&input[2..], start_loc + 2) {
228 Done(rest, result) => {
229 let span = *result.get_loc();
230 let quote_span = (0, 2).offset(start_loc);
231 Done(
232 rest,
233 Sexp::List(
234 vec![Sexp::Sym("unquote-splicing".into(), quote_span), result],
235 quote_span.union(&span),
236 ),
237 )
238 }
239 err => err,
240 }
241 } else {
242 match parse_expression(&input[1..], start_loc + 1) {
243 Done(rest, result) => {
244 let span = *result.get_loc();
245 let quote_span = (0, 1).offset(start_loc);
246 Done(
247 rest,
248 Sexp::List(
249 vec![Sexp::Sym("unquote".into(), quote_span), result],
250 quote_span.union(&span),
251 ),
252 )
253 }
254 err => err,
255 }
256 }
257 }
258 Some(_) => parse_symbol(input, start_loc),
259 None => unreachable!(),
260 }
261 }
263 #[allow(missing_docs)]
264 pub fn parse_list(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
265 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::List);
267 let first_char = match input.chars().nth(0) {
268 Some(c @ '(') | Some(c @ '{') | Some(c @ '[') => c,
269 Some(c) => {
270 return Error(ParseError::List(
271 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, 0)),
272 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
273 ))
274 }
275 None => unreachable!(),
276 };
278 let mut input = &input[1..];
279 let mut loc = start_loc + 1;
280 let mut members = Vec::new();
281 loop {
282 {
283 let (new_input, new_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, loc, ParseError::List);
284 input = new_input;
285 loc = new_loc;
286 }
288 match input.chars().nth(0) {
289 Some(c @ ')') | Some(c @ '}') | Some(c @ ']') => match (first_char, c) {
290 ('(', ')') | ('{', '}') | ('[', ']') => {
291 return Done(&input[1..], Sexp::List(members, (start_loc, loc + 1)))
292 }
293 _ => {
294 return Error(ParseError::List(
295 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, loc)),
296 (start_loc, loc),
297 ))
298 }
299 },
300 Some(_) => (),
301 None => unreachable!(),
302 }
304 match parse_expression(input, loc) {
305 Done(new_input, member) => {
306 loc = member.get_loc().1;
307 members.push(member);
308 input = new_input;
309 }
310 Error(err) => return Error(ParseError::List(Box::new(err), (0, 0).offset(loc))),
311 }
312 }
313 }
315 #[allow(missing_docs)]
316 pub fn parse_number(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
317 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::Number);
319 match input.chars().next() {
320 Some(c) if !c.is_digit(10) => {
321 return Error(ParseError::Number(
322 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc)),
323 (0, c.len_utf8()).offset(start_loc),
324 ));
325 }
326 None => {
327 return Error(ParseError::Number(
328 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
329 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
330 ))
331 }
332 _ => (),
333 }
335 let base = 10;
337 let mut end = 0;
338 // Before the decimal point
339 for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
340 if c == '.' {
341 end = i + 1;
342 break;
343 }
345 if c.is_delimiter() {
346 return Done(
347 &input[i..],
348 Sexp::Int(
349 input[..i].parse().expect("Already matched digits"),
350 (0, i).offset(start_loc),
351 ),
352 );
353 }
355 if !c.is_digit(base) {
356 return Error(ParseError::Number(
357 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc + i)),
358 (i, i).offset(start_loc),
359 ));
360 }
362 end = i + c.len_utf8();
363 }
365 if input[end..].is_empty() {
366 return Done(
367 &input[end..],
368 Sexp::Int(
369 input.parse().expect("Already matched digits"),
370 (0, end).offset(start_loc),
371 ),
372 );
373 }
375 // After the decimal point
376 for (i, c) in input[end..].char_indices() {
377 if c.is_delimiter() {
378 return Done(
379 &input[i + end..],
380 Sexp::Float(
381 input[..end + i]
382 .parse()
383 .expect("Already matched digits.digits"),
384 (0, end + i).offset(start_loc),
385 ),
386 );
387 }
389 if !c.is_digit(base) {
390 return Error(ParseError::Number(
391 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc + i + end)),
392 (i + end, i + end).offset(start_loc),
393 ));
394 }
395 }
397 Done(
398 &input[input.len()..],
399 Sexp::Float(
400 input.parse().expect("Already matched digits.digits"),
401 (0, input.len()).offset(start_loc),
402 ),
403 )
404 }
406 #[allow(missing_docs)]
407 pub fn parse_symbol(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
408 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::Symbol);
410 match input.chars().next() {
411 Some(c @ '#') | Some(c @ ':') | Some(c @ '0'...'9') => {
412 return Error(ParseError::Symbol(
413 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc)),
414 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
415 ))
416 }
417 Some(c) if c.is_delimiter() => {
418 return Error(ParseError::Symbol(
419 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc)),
420 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
421 ))
422 }
423 Some(_) => (),
424 None => unreachable!(),
425 }
427 for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
428 if c.is_delimiter() {
429 return Done(
430 &input[i..],
431 Sexp::Sym(input[..i].into(), (0, i).offset(start_loc)),
432 );
433 }
434 }
436 Done(
437 &input[input.len()..],
438 Sexp::Sym(input.into(), (0, input.len()).offset(start_loc)),
439 )
440 }
442 #[allow(missing_docs)]
443 pub fn parse_string(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
444 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::String);
446 match input.chars().next() {
447 Some('"') => (),
448 Some(c) => {
449 return Error(ParseError::String(
450 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc)),
451 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
452 ))
453 }
454 None => unreachable!(),
455 }
457 for (i, c) in input[1..].char_indices() {
458 if c == '"' {
459 return Done(
460 &input[2 + i..],
461 Sexp::Str(input[1..i + 1].into(), (0, i + 2).offset(start_loc)),
462 );
463 }
464 }
466 Error(ParseError::String(
467 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
468 (0, input.len()).offset(start_loc),
469 ))
470 }
472 #[allow(missing_docs)]
473 pub fn parse_character(input: &str, start_loc: usize) -> ParseResult<Sexp, ParseError> {
474 let (input, start_loc) = consume_whitespace!(input, start_loc, ParseError::Char);
476 match input.chars().nth(0) {
477 Some('#') => (),
478 Some(c) => {
479 return Error(ParseError::Char(
480 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc)),
481 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
482 ))
483 }
484 None => {
485 return Error(ParseError::Char(
486 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
487 (0, 0).offset(start_loc),
488 ))
489 }
490 }
492 match input.chars().nth(1) {
493 Some('\\') => (),
494 Some(c) => {
495 return Error(ParseError::Char(
496 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(c, start_loc + 1)),
497 (1, 1).offset(start_loc),
498 ))
499 }
500 None => {
501 return Error(ParseError::Char(
502 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
503 (1, 1).offset(start_loc),
504 ))
505 }
506 }
508 match input.chars().nth(2) {
509 Some(c) => Done(&input[3..], Sexp::Char(c, (0, 3).offset(start_loc))),
510 None => Error(ParseError::Char(
511 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
512 (2, 2).offset(start_loc),
513 )),
514 }
515 }
517 // Tests ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
519 #[cfg(test)]
520 mod test {
521 use parser::ParseResult::*;
522 use parser::*;
523 use sexp::Sexp;
524 use span::Span;
526 #[test]
527 fn test_parse() {
528 assert_eq!(
529 parse("1 2 3"),
530 (
531 vec![
532 Sexp::Int(1, (0, 1)),
533 Sexp::Int(2, (2, 3)),
534 Sexp::Int(3, (4, 5))
535 ],
536 None
537 )
538 );
539 assert_eq!(
540 parse("1 2 )"),
541 (
542 vec![Sexp::Int(1, (0, 1)), Sexp::Int(2, (2, 3))],
543 Some(ParseError::Symbol(
544 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(')', 4)),
545 (4, 4)
546 ))
547 )
548 );
549 }
551 #[test]
552 fn test_parse_one() {
553 assert_eq!(parse_one("1 2"), Ok((Sexp::Int(1, (0, 1)), " 2")));
554 }
556 #[test]
557 fn test_parse_expression() {
558 assert_eq!(parse_expression(" 1", 0), Done("", Sexp::Int(1, (1, 2))));
559 assert_eq!(
560 parse_expression("2.2", 0),
561 Done("", Sexp::Float(2.2, (0, 3)))
562 );
563 assert_eq!(
564 parse_expression(" a", 0),
565 Done("", Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (1, 2)))
566 );
567 assert_eq!(
568 parse_expression("#\\c", 0),
569 Done("", Sexp::Char('c', (0, 3)))
570 );
571 assert_eq!(
572 parse_expression(r#""hi""#, 0),
573 Done("", Sexp::Str("hi".into(), (0, 4)))
574 );
575 assert_eq!(
576 parse_expression("()", 0),
577 Done("", Sexp::List(vec![], (0, 2)))
578 );
579 assert_eq!(
580 parse_expression("( 1 2 3 )", 0),
581 Done(
582 "",
583 Sexp::List(
584 vec![
585 Sexp::Int(1, (2, 3)),
586 Sexp::Int(2, (4, 5)),
587 Sexp::Int(3, (6, 7)),
588 ],
589 (0, 9)
590 )
591 )
592 );
594 assert_eq!(
595 parse_expression("", 0),
596 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
597 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
598 (0, 0)
599 ))
600 );
601 }
603 #[test]
604 fn test_parse_expr_quote() {
605 assert_eq!(
606 parse_expression("'a", 0),
607 Done(
608 "",
609 Sexp::List(
610 vec![
611 Sexp::Sym("quote".into(), (0, 1)),
612 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (1, 2)),
613 ],
614 (0, 2)
615 )
616 )
617 );
618 assert_eq!(
619 parse_expression("'1", 0),
620 Done(
621 "",
622 Sexp::List(
623 vec![Sexp::Sym("quote".into(), (0, 1)), Sexp::Int(1, (1, 2)),],
624 (0, 2)
625 )
626 )
627 );
628 assert_eq!(
629 parse_expression("' (1 2 3)", 0),
630 Done(
631 "",
632 Sexp::List(
633 vec![
634 Sexp::Sym("quote".into(), (0, 1)),
635 Sexp::List(
636 vec![
637 Sexp::Int(1, (3, 4)),
638 Sexp::Int(2, (5, 6)),
639 Sexp::Int(3, (7, 8)),
640 ],
641 (2, 9)
642 ),
643 ],
644 (0, 9)
645 )
646 )
647 );
649 assert_eq!(
650 parse_expression("'", 0),
651 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
652 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
653 (1, 1)
654 ))
655 );
656 assert_eq!(
657 parse_expression("`'", 0),
658 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
659 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
660 (2, 2)
661 ))
662 );
663 }
665 #[test]
666 fn test_parse_expr_quasiquote() {
667 assert_eq!(
668 parse_expression("`a", 0),
669 Done(
670 "",
671 Sexp::List(
672 vec![
673 Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)),
674 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (1, 2)),
675 ],
676 (0, 2)
677 )
678 )
679 );
680 assert_eq!(
681 parse_expression("`1", 0),
682 Done(
683 "",
684 Sexp::List(
685 vec![Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)), Sexp::Int(1, (1, 2)),],
686 (0, 2)
687 )
688 )
689 );
690 assert_eq!(
691 parse_expression("` (1 2 3)", 0),
692 Done(
693 "",
694 Sexp::List(
695 vec![
696 Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)),
697 Sexp::List(
698 vec![
699 Sexp::Int(1, (3, 4)),
700 Sexp::Int(2, (5, 6)),
701 Sexp::Int(3, (7, 8)),
702 ],
703 (2, 9)
704 ),
705 ],
706 (0, 9)
707 )
708 )
709 );
710 assert_eq!(
711 parse_expression("`'a", 0),
712 Done(
713 "",
714 Sexp::List(
715 vec![
716 Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)),
717 Sexp::List(
718 vec![
719 Sexp::Sym("quote".into(), (1, 2)),
720 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (2, 3)),
721 ],
722 (1, 3)
723 ),
724 ],
725 (0, 3)
726 )
727 )
728 );
730 assert_eq!(
731 parse_expression("`", 0),
732 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
733 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
734 (1, 1)
735 ))
736 );
737 }
739 #[test]
740 fn test_parse_expr_unquote() {
741 assert_eq!(
742 parse_expression(",a", 0),
743 Done(
744 "",
745 Sexp::List(
746 vec![
747 Sexp::Sym("unquote".into(), (0, 1)),
748 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (1, 2)),
749 ],
750 (0, 2)
751 )
752 )
753 );
754 assert_eq!(
755 parse_expression(",1", 0),
756 Done(
757 "",
758 Sexp::List(
759 vec![Sexp::Sym("unquote".into(), (0, 1)), Sexp::Int(1, (1, 2)),],
760 (0, 2)
761 )
762 )
763 );
764 assert_eq!(
765 parse_expression(", (1 2 3)", 0),
766 Done(
767 "",
768 Sexp::List(
769 vec![
770 Sexp::Sym("unquote".into(), (0, 1)),
771 Sexp::List(
772 vec![
773 Sexp::Int(1, (3, 4)),
774 Sexp::Int(2, (5, 6)),
775 Sexp::Int(3, (7, 8)),
776 ],
777 (2, 9)
778 ),
779 ],
780 (0, 9)
781 )
782 )
783 );
784 assert_eq!(
785 parse_expression("`,a", 0),
786 Done(
787 "",
788 Sexp::List(
789 vec![
790 Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)),
791 Sexp::List(
792 vec![
793 Sexp::Sym("unquote".into(), (1, 2)),
794 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (2, 3)),
795 ],
796 (1, 3)
797 ),
798 ],
799 (0, 3)
800 )
801 )
802 );
803 assert_eq!(
804 parse_expression("`(,@a)", 0),
805 Done(
806 "",
807 Sexp::List(
808 vec![
809 Sexp::Sym("quasiquote".into(), (0, 1)),
810 Sexp::List(
811 vec![Sexp::List(
812 vec![
813 Sexp::Sym("unquote-splicing".into(), (2, 4)),
814 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (4, 5)),
815 ],
816 (2, 5)
817 ),],
818 (1, 6)
819 ),
820 ],
821 (0, 6)
822 )
823 )
824 );
826 assert_eq!(
827 parse_expression(",", 0),
828 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
829 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
830 (1, 1)
831 ))
832 );
833 assert_eq!(
834 parse_expression(",@", 0),
835 Error(ParseError::Sexp(
836 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
837 (2, 2)
838 ))
839 );
840 }
842 #[test]
843 fn test_parse_list() {
844 assert_eq!(parse_list("()", 0), Done("", Sexp::List(vec![], (0, 2))));
845 assert_eq!(
846 parse_list("(1)", 0),
847 Done("", Sexp::List(vec![Sexp::Int(1, (1, 2))], (0, 3)))
848 );
849 assert_eq!(
850 parse_list(" ( 1 2 3 a )", 0),
851 Done(
852 "",
853 Sexp::List(
854 vec![
855 Sexp::Int(1, (4, 5)),
856 Sexp::Int(2, (9, 10)),
857 Sexp::Int(3, (12, 13)),
858 Sexp::Sym("a".into(), (14, 15)),
859 ],
860 (2, 17)
861 )
862 )
863 );
864 }
866 #[test]
867 fn test_parse_number() {
868 assert_eq!(parse_number("1", 0), Done("", Sexp::Int(1, (0, 1))));
869 assert_eq!(parse_number(" 13", 0), Done("", Sexp::Int(13, (1, 3))));
870 assert_eq!(parse_number("1.2", 0), Done("", Sexp::Float(1.2, (0, 3))));
871 assert_eq!(
872 parse_number("\u{3000}4.2", 0),
873 Done("", Sexp::Float(4.2, (0, 3).offset('\u{3000}'.len_utf8())))
874 );
875 assert_eq!(parse_number(" 42 ", 0), Done(" ", Sexp::Int(42, (2, 4))));
876 assert_eq!(
877 parse_number(" 4.2 ", 0),
878 Done(" ", Sexp::Float(4.2, (1, 4)))
879 );
880 assert_eq!(parse_number("1()", 0), Done("()", Sexp::Int(1, (0, 1))));
881 assert_eq!(
882 parse_number("3.6()", 0),
883 Done("()", Sexp::Float(3.6, (0, 3)))
884 );
886 assert_eq!(
887 parse_number("", 0),
888 Error(ParseError::Number(
889 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
890 (0, 0)
891 ))
892 );
893 assert_eq!(
894 parse_number("123a", 0),
895 Error(ParseError::Number(
896 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('a', 3)),
897 (3, 3)
898 ))
899 );
900 assert_eq!(
901 parse_number("66.6+", 0),
902 Error(ParseError::Number(
903 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('+', 4)),
904 (4, 4)
905 ))
906 );
907 }
909 #[test]
910 fn test_parse_ident() {
911 assert_eq!(
912 parse_symbol("+", 0),
913 Done("", Sexp::Sym("+".into(), (0, 1)))
914 );
915 assert_eq!(
916 parse_symbol(" nil?", 0),
917 Done("", Sexp::Sym("nil?".into(), (1, 5)))
918 );
919 assert_eq!(
920 parse_symbol(" ->socket", 0),
921 Done("", Sexp::Sym("->socket".into(), (1, 9)))
922 );
923 assert_eq!(
924 parse_symbol("fib(", 0),
925 Done("(", Sexp::Sym("fib".into(), (0, 3)))
926 );
927 assert_eq!(
928 parse_symbol("foo2", 0),
929 Done("", Sexp::Sym("foo2".into(), (0, 4)))
930 );
932 // We reserve #foo for the implementation to do as it wishes
933 assert_eq!(
934 parse_symbol("#hi", 0),
935 Error(ParseError::Symbol(
936 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('#', 0)),
937 (0, 0)
938 ))
939 );
940 // We reserve :foo for keywords
941 assert_eq!(
942 parse_symbol(":hi", 0),
943 Error(ParseError::Symbol(
944 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected(':', 0)),
945 (0, 0)
946 ))
947 );
949 assert_eq!(
950 parse_symbol("", 0),
951 Error(ParseError::Symbol(
952 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
953 (0, 0)
954 ))
955 );
956 assert_eq!(
957 parse_symbol("0", 0),
958 Error(ParseError::Symbol(
959 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('0', 0)),
960 (0, 0)
961 ))
962 );
963 assert_eq!(
964 parse_symbol("()", 0),
965 Error(ParseError::Symbol(
966 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('(', 0)),
967 (0, 0)
968 ))
969 );
970 }
972 #[test]
973 fn test_parse_string() {
974 assert_eq!(
975 parse_string(r#""""#, 0),
976 Done("", Sexp::Str("".into(), (0, 2)))
977 );
978 assert_eq!(
979 parse_string(r#""hello""#, 0),
980 Done("", Sexp::Str("hello".into(), (0, 7)))
981 );
982 assert_eq!(
983 parse_string(
984 r#" "this is a nice string
985 with 0123 things in it""#,
986 0
987 ),
988 Done(
989 "",
990 Sexp::Str(
991 "this is a nice string\nwith 0123 things in it".into(),
992 (2, 48)
993 )
994 )
995 );
997 assert_eq!(
998 parse_string("", 0),
999 Error(ParseError::String(
1000 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
1001 (0, 0)
1002 ))
1003 );
1004 assert_eq!(
1005 parse_string(r#""hi"#, 0),
1006 Error(ParseError::String(
1007 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
1008 (0, 3)
1009 ))
1010 );
1011 }
1013 #[test]
1014 fn test_parse_char() {
1015 assert_eq!(
1016 parse_character(r#"#\""#, 0),
1017 Done("", Sexp::Char('"', (0, 3)))
1018 );
1019 assert_eq!(
1020 parse_character(r#"#\ "#, 0),
1021 Done("", Sexp::Char(' ', (0, 3)))
1022 );
1023 assert_eq!(
1024 parse_character(r#" #\\"#, 0),
1025 Done("", Sexp::Char('\\', (2, 5)))
1026 );
1028 assert_eq!(
1029 parse_character("", 0),
1030 Error(ParseError::Char(
1031 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
1032 (0, 0)
1033 ))
1034 );
1035 assert_eq!(
1036 parse_character("#", 0),
1037 Error(ParseError::Char(
1038 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
1039 (1, 1)
1040 ))
1041 );
1042 assert_eq!(
1043 parse_character("#\\", 0),
1044 Error(ParseError::Char(
1045 Box::new(ParseError::UnexpectedEof),
1046 (2, 2)
1047 ))
1048 );
1049 assert_eq!(
1050 parse_character("a", 0),
1051 Error(ParseError::Char(
1052 Box::new(ParseError::Unexpected('a', 0)),
1053 (0, 0)
1054 ))
1055 );
1056 }
1057 }