]> Witch of Git - ivy/blob - src/trans/x64.rs
Implement variable capture
[ivy] / src / trans / x64.rs
1 use crate::ast;
2 use crate::trans::{Code, FnName, Func, Program, SsaName, Var};
3 use std::{
4 borrow::Cow,
5 collections::HashMap,
6 fmt,
7 io::{self, Write},
8 };
10 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
11 macro_rules! extern_label {
12 ($l:literal) => {
13 Label::Extern(concat!("_", $l))
14 };
15 }
16 #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
17 macro_rules! extern_label {
18 ($l:literal) => {
19 Label::Extern($l)
20 };
21 }
23 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
24 pub enum Label {
25 Global(u32),
26 Function(FnName),
27 Extern(&'static str),
28 Builtin(&'static str),
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
32 pub enum Addr {
33 Rip(Label),
34 Off(Reg, i32),
35 }
37 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
38 #[allow(unused)]
39 pub enum Reg {
40 Rax,
41 Rbx,
42 Rcx,
43 Rdx,
44 Rsi,
45 Rdi,
46 Rbp,
47 Rsp,
48 R8,
49 R9,
50 R10,
51 R11,
52 R12,
53 R13,
54 R14,
55 R15,
56 }
58 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
59 pub enum Inst {
60 Push(Reg),
61 Load(Reg, Addr),
62 Store(Addr, Reg),
63 Mov(Reg, Reg),
64 Imm(Reg, i64),
65 Lea(Reg, Addr),
66 Call(Label),
67 Jmp(Label),
68 Add(Reg, u32),
69 Sub(Reg, u32),
70 Pop(Reg),
71 Ret,
72 }
74 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
75 pub struct Definition {
76 name: Label,
77 body: Cow<'static, [Inst]>,
78 }
80 pub struct Global {
81 name: Label,
82 value: i64,
83 }
85 pub fn write_compile(
86 builtins: &HashMap<String, ast::Name>,
87 out: &mut impl Write,
88 prog: &Program,
89 ) -> io::Result<()> {
90 let (entry, globals, defns) = compile(&prog);
91 struct Entry {
92 number: u32,
93 defn: Definition,
94 params: u16,
95 }
96 let builtins = builtins
97 .iter()
98 .map(|(name, id)| {
99 let number = id.global_number().unwrap();
100 let (params, name, code) = builtin(&name);
101 Entry {
102 number,
103 defn: Definition {
104 name: Label::Builtin(name),
105 body: Cow::Borrowed(code),
106 },
107 params,
108 }
109 })
110 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
111 writeln!(out, ".data")?;
112 for global in globals {
113 writeln!(out, "{}", global)?;
114 }
115 writeln!(out)?;
116 writeln!(
117 out,
118 r#".text
119 .global _start
120 _start:
121 sub rsp, 15
122 and spl, 0xF0"#
123 )?;
125 for builtin in &builtins {
126 writeln!(
127 out,
128 r#"
129 lea rdi, [rip + {}]
130 mov rsi, {}
131 mov rdx, 0
132 call {}
133 mov [rip + {}], rax"#,
134 builtin.defn.name,
135 builtin.params,
136 extern_label!("ivy_make_lam"),
137 Label::Global(builtin.number),
138 )?;
139 }
141 writeln!(
142 out,
143 r#"
144 call {}
145 mov rdi, 0
146 call {}
147 "#,
148 entry,
149 extern_label!("ivy_exit"),
150 )?;
151 for builtin in &builtins {
152 writeln!(out, "{}", builtin.defn)?;
153 writeln!(out)?;
154 }
155 for defn in defns {
156 writeln!(out, "{}", defn)?;
157 writeln!(out)?;
158 }
159 Ok(())
160 }
162 pub fn compile(prog: &Program) -> (Label, Vec<Global>, Vec<Definition>) {
163 let globals = prog
164 .globals
165 .iter()
166 .map(|&global| Global {
167 name: Label::Global(global),
168 value: 0,
169 })
170 .collect();
171 let defns = prog
172 .functions
173 .values()
174 .map(|func| compile_func(func))
175 .collect();
176 (Label::Function(prog.top), globals, defns)
177 }
179 fn even_up(x: usize) -> usize {
180 x + (x & 1)
181 }
183 fn compile_func(func: &Func) -> Definition {
184 fn stack(x: &SsaName) -> Addr {
185 Addr::Off(Reg::Rsp, x.0 as i32 * 8)
186 }
188 const HEADER_SIZE: i32 = 0x18;
190 fn param(x: u16) -> Addr {
191 Addr::Off(Reg::Rbx, HEADER_SIZE + x as i32 * 8)
192 }
194 let upvar = move |x: u16| {
195 let params = func.params as i32 * 8;
196 Addr::Off(Reg::Rbx, HEADER_SIZE + params + x as i32 * 8)
197 };
199 let mut body = Vec::new();
200 let stack_slots = even_up(func.order.len());
201 body.push(Inst::Push(Reg::Rbx));
202 body.push(Inst::Mov(Reg::Rbx, Reg::Rdi));
203 body.push(Inst::Sub(Reg::Rsp, stack_slots as u32 * 8));
204 let address = |v| match v {
205 Var::Global(x) => Addr::Rip(Label::Global(x)),
206 Var::Param(x) => param(x),
207 Var::Upvar(x) => upvar(x),
208 Var::Ssa(s) => stack(&s),
209 };
210 let load = |s| match func.block[s] {
211 Code::Load(v) => address(v),
212 _ => stack(s),
213 };
214 for ssa in &func.order {
215 match &func.block[ssa] {
216 // We don't need to generate code for loads themselves, they're consulted by other accesses
217 Code::Load(_) => (),
218 Code::StoreGlobal(x, s) => {
219 body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rax, load(s)));
220 body.push(Inst::Store(Addr::Rip(Label::Global(*x)), Reg::Rax));
221 }
222 Code::MakeLam {
223 name,
224 upvars,
225 params,
226 } => {
227 body.push(Inst::Lea(Reg::Rdi, Addr::Rip(Label::Function(*name))));
228 body.push(Inst::Imm(Reg::Rsi, *params as i64));
229 body.push(Inst::Imm(Reg::Rdx, upvars.len() as i64));
230 body.push(Inst::Call(extern_label!("ivy_make_lam")));
231 body.push(Inst::Store(stack(ssa), Reg::Rax));
232 for (i, s) in upvars.iter().enumerate() {
233 body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rdi, load(s)));
234 body.push(Inst::Store(
235 Addr::Off(Reg::Rax, HEADER_SIZE + (*params as i32) * 8 + i as i32 * 8),
236 Reg::Rdi,
237 ));
238 body.push(Inst::Call(extern_label!("ivy_incref")));
239 body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rax, stack(ssa)));
240 }
241 }
242 Code::App(terms) => {
243 let mut terms = terms.iter();
244 body.push(Inst::Load(
245 Reg::Rdi,
246 load(terms.next().expect("a function to apply")),
247 ));
248 match terms.next() {
249 Some(s) => body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rsi, load(s))),
250 None => body.push(Inst::Imm(Reg::Rsi, 0)),
251 }
252 body.push(Inst::Call(extern_label!("ivy_app")));
253 while let Some(term) = terms.next() {
254 body.push(Inst::Mov(Reg::Rdi, Reg::Rax));
255 body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rsi, load(term)));
256 body.push(Inst::Call(extern_label!("ivy_app")));
257 }
258 body.push(Inst::Store(stack(ssa), Reg::Rax));
259 }
260 Code::Num(n) => {
261 body.push(Inst::Imm(Reg::Rax, (n << 1) | 1i64));
262 body.push(Inst::Store(stack(ssa), Reg::Rax));
263 }
264 }
265 }
266 if let Code::Load(v) = func.block[&func.result] {
267 body.push(Inst::Load(Reg::Rax, address(v)));
268 }
269 body.push(Inst::Add(Reg::Rsp, stack_slots as u32 * 8));
270 body.push(Inst::Pop(Reg::Rbx));
271 body.push(Inst::Ret);
272 Definition {
273 name: Label::Function(func.name),
274 body: Cow::Owned(body),
275 }
276 }
278 impl fmt::Display for Definition {
279 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
280 match self.body.len() {
281 0 => write!(fmt, "{}:", self.name),
282 1 => write!(fmt, "{}: {}", self.name, self.body[0]),
283 len => {
284 writeln!(fmt, "{}:", self.name)?;
285 for inst in &self.body[..len - 1] {
286 writeln!(fmt, " {}", inst)?;
287 }
288 write!(fmt, " {}", self.body.last().unwrap())
289 }
290 }
291 }
292 }
294 impl fmt::Display for Global {
295 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
296 write!(fmt, "{}: .quad {}", self.name, self.value)
297 }
298 }
300 impl fmt::Display for Label {
301 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
302 match self {
303 Label::Global(g) => write!(fmt, "IVY_GLOBAL${}", g),
304 Label::Function(f) => write!(fmt, "ivy_fn${}", f.0),
305 Label::Extern(l) => write!(fmt, "{}", l),
306 Label::Builtin(l) => write!(fmt, "ivy_builtin${}", l),
307 }
308 }
309 }
311 impl fmt::Display for Reg {
312 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
313 match self {
314 Reg::Rax => write!(fmt, "rax"),
315 Reg::Rbx => write!(fmt, "rbx"),
316 Reg::Rcx => write!(fmt, "rcx"),
317 Reg::Rdx => write!(fmt, "rdx"),
318 Reg::Rsi => write!(fmt, "rsi"),
319 Reg::Rdi => write!(fmt, "rdi"),
320 Reg::Rbp => write!(fmt, "rbp"),
321 Reg::Rsp => write!(fmt, "rsp"),
322 Reg::R8 => write!(fmt, "r8"),
323 Reg::R9 => write!(fmt, "r9"),
324 Reg::R10 => write!(fmt, "r10"),
325 Reg::R11 => write!(fmt, "r11"),
326 Reg::R12 => write!(fmt, "r12"),
327 Reg::R13 => write!(fmt, "r13"),
328 Reg::R14 => write!(fmt, "r14"),
329 Reg::R15 => write!(fmt, "r15"),
330 }
331 }
332 }
334 impl fmt::Display for Addr {
335 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
336 match self {
337 Addr::Rip(l) => write!(fmt, "[rip + {}]", l),
338 Addr::Off(r, o) => write!(fmt, "[{} + 0x{:02x}]", r, o),
339 }
340 }
341 }
343 impl fmt::Display for Inst {
344 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
345 match self {
346 Inst::Push(r) => write!(fmt, "push {}", r),
347 Inst::Pop(r) => write!(fmt, "pop {}", r),
348 Inst::Mov(d, s) => write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", d, s),
349 Inst::Load(r, a) => write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", r, a),
350 Inst::Store(a, r) => write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", a, r),
351 Inst::Imm(r, i) => write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", r, i),
352 Inst::Lea(r, a) => write!(fmt, "lea {}, {}", r, a),
353 Inst::Call(l) => write!(fmt, "call {}", l),
354 Inst::Jmp(l) => write!(fmt, "jmp {}", l),
355 Inst::Add(r, x) => write!(fmt, "add {}, {}", r, x),
356 Inst::Sub(r, x) => write!(fmt, "sub {}, {}", r, x),
357 Inst::Ret => write!(fmt, "ret"),
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 fn builtin(name: &str) -> (u16, &'static str, &'static [Inst]) {
363 match name {
364 "debug" => (
365 1,
366 "debug",
367 &[
368 Inst::Load(Reg::Rdi, Addr::Off(Reg::Rdi, 0x18)),
369 Inst::Jmp(extern_label!("ivy_debug")),
370 ],
371 ),
372 name => panic!("Unsupported builtin '{}' for x64", name),
373 }
374 }