]> Witch of Git - ivy/blob - tools/lit.py
[tools] Move ANSI color printing code into its own file
[ivy] / tools / lit.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 import argparse
3 import os
4 import subprocess
5 import sys
6 import shlex
7 from pathlib import Path
9 from fmt import green, yellow, red
12 ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent
13 TOOLS = ROOT / "tools"
14 TARGET_RELEASE = ROOT / "target" / "release"
17 def relative(path):
18 return str(Path(path).relative_to(Path.cwd()))
21 def discover(roots):
22 def inspect(path):
23 with open(path, "r") as f:
24 run_lines = [line for line in f if "RUN:" in line]
25 if not run_lines:
26 return
27 run_lines = [line.split("RUN:")[1] for line in run_lines]
28 yield (path, {"RUN": run_lines})
30 for root in roots:
31 root = Path(root).resolve()
32 if root.is_file():
33 yield from inspect(root)
34 continue
36 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
37 root = Path(root)
38 for fname in files:
39 path = root / fname
40 yield from inspect(path)
43 def split_seq(seq, split):
44 chunk = []
45 for item in seq:
46 if item == split:
47 yield chunk
48 chunk = []
49 else:
50 chunk.append(item)
51 yield chunk
54 def run_test(source, pipeline, verbose=False, PATH=None):
55 s = shlex.shlex(pipeline, posix=True, punctuation_chars=True)
56 s.whitespace_split = True
57 pipeline = list(split_seq(s, '|'))
58 env = {}
59 if PATH:
60 env["PATH"] = PATH
62 print(f"{relative(source):<72}", end='', flush=True)
63 next_stdin = subprocess.PIPE
64 first_process = None
65 processes = []
66 stderr_r, stderr = os.pipe()
67 for command in reversed(pipeline):
68 command = [word.replace("%s", str(source.resolve())) for word in command]
69 process = subprocess.Popen(
70 command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, stdout=next_stdin, env=env
71 )
72 next_stdin = process.stdin
73 processes.append(process)
74 processes.reverse()
75 processes[0].communicate()
76 any_failed = False
77 for process in processes:
78 process.stdin.close()
79 process.wait()
80 any_failed |= process.returncode != 0
81 os.close(stderr)
82 if any_failed:
83 print(red('FAIL'))
84 if verbose:
85 print(yellow("stdout:"))
86 for line in processes[-1].stdout:
87 sys.stdout.buffer.write(line)
88 print()
89 print(yellow("stderr:"))
90 while chunk := os.read(stderr_r, 1024):
91 sys.stdout.buffer.write(chunk)
92 print()
93 return False
94 else:
95 print(green('PASS'))
96 return True
100 def report(tests):
101 passes = [path for path, status in tests.items() if status == "PASS"]
102 failures = [path for path, status in tests.items() if status == "FAIL"]
103 print(
104 f"""
105 PASS: {len(passes)}
106 FAIL: {len(failures)}
107 """
108 )
109 if len(failures):
110 print(yellow("Failures:"))
111 print()
112 for failure in failures:
113 print(f" {relative(failure)}")
114 print(red("\nFAILED\n"))
115 return 1
116 else:
117 print(green("PASSED\n"))
118 return 0
121 def main():
122 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
123 parser.add_argument("tests", nargs='+')
124 parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true')
125 args = parser.parse_args()
126 tests = {}
127 PATH = ":".join([os.getenv("PATH"), str(TOOLS), str(TARGET_RELEASE)])
128 for path, directives in discover(args.tests):
129 tests[path] = "FAIL"
130 for run_line in directives["RUN"]:
131 if run_test(path, run_line, args.verbose, PATH):
132 tests[path] = "PASS"
133 status = report(tests)
134 sys.exit(status)
137 if __name__ == "__main__":
138 main()