]> Witch of Git - web/blog/summary
descriptionThe source for my blog.
last changeMon, 28 Oct 2024 05:40:48 +0000 (22:40 -0700)
2024-10-28 Cassie JonesRemove the LLVM dev meeting post blog
2024-10-28 Cassie JonesAdd the Gundam III theater post
2024-10-28 Cassie JonesMake the atom feed always include an updated element
2024-10-27 Cassie JonesUpdate the attribution info and add avatars
2024-10-27 Cassie JonesAdd a post "work lunches"
2024-10-27 Cassie JonesFix the URL on "look at the EXIF data" to be more durable
2024-10-06 Cassie JonesBump the syntax highlight plugin version
2024-10-06 Cassie JonesAdd "Elden Ring PvP players taught me to have more...
2024-10-06 Cassie JonesThe index page shows full short posts, add some h-entry
2024-10-06 Cassie JonesAdd a short "souls youtube" post
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesFix a typo in p-nickname
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesUpdate some dates to add timezones
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesUpdate date handling and add some h-entry markup
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesAdd a debug command to the Justfile
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesMove to an ES module for config
2024-10-05 Cassie JonesRemove a bad <defn> tag
4 months ago blog