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1 ---
2 title: "Syntactic Unification Is Easy!"
3 date: 2020-02-19
4 tags:
5 - unification
6 - logic programming
7 - algorithms
8 summary: "Last year I tried implementing syntactic unification and got completely stuck on the algorithms. Last week I read the MicroKanren paper and discovered that unification could be very simple. Let me show you how!"
9 next: posts/2020/logic-programming
10 ---
12 Syntactic unification is the process of trying to find an assignment of variables that makes two terms the same.
13 For example, attempting to unify the terms in the equation `(X, Y) = (1, 2)` would give the substitution `{X: 1, Y: 2}`, but if we tried to unify `(X, X) = (1, 2)` it would fail since one variable can't be equal to two different values.
14 Unification is used to implement two things I'm very interested in: type systems, and logic programming languages.
16 Earlier last year I tried implementing unification in order to make a toy Prolog, and I got completely stuck on the algorithms.
17 I eventually puzzled throught it by reading lots of papers and articles, but I don't recall understanding it fully.
18 You can take a look at [the equations that the Wikipedia article uses][wiki] to see what I was dealing with---it's certainly intimidating!
20 Cut to last week, I happened to read [the MicroKanren paper] (which is very readable) and discovered that unification could be very simple!
21 Let me show you how!
23 [wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_(computer_science)#A_unification_algorithm
24 [the microkanren paper]: http://webyrd.net/scheme-2013/papers/HemannMuKanren2013.pdf
26 ### The Terms To Unify
28 We have to define what kinds of things we're going to unify.
29 There are a few basic things we *need* to have.
31 - Variables, because otherwise unification is just equality comparison.
32 - Terms with multiple subterms, because otherwise unification is just.
33 - Other atomic "base" terms are good to have, because they let you write more interesting terms that are easily understandable.
35 I'm going to write my examples in Python, so the types I'm going to work with are:
37 - Variables: A `Var` class defined for this purpose.
38 - Composite terms: Tuples of terms.
39 - Atomic terms: Any Python type that can be compared for equality.
41 The scheme example they demonstrate in the MicroKanren article uses variables, pairs, and arbitrary objects.
42 The Rust version I wrote just has variables, pairs, and integers.
43 Exactly what you want to work with is completely up to you: hopefully at the end of this, you'll be able to figure out how to do it for some custom type.
45 My `Var` type is very simple, with only one custom method to make the printing more compact:
47 ```python
48 from dataclasses import dataclass
50 @dataclass(frozen=True)
51 class Var:
52 name: str
54 def __repr__(self):
55 return self.name
56 ```
58 And everything else is base Python types, so we're done with this part.
60 ### Unifying Terms
62 Let's work through unifying things.
63 We want to unify two terms, and return a substitution that makes them equal, which I'll call the "environment."
64 If they can't possibly be equal, we'll return `None`.
65 Let's start out simple: two things can be unified if they're already equal.
67 ```python
68 def unify(a, b):
69 if a == b:
70 return {}
71 # ... other cases ...
72 return None
73 ```
75 Here we return an empty environment because they're already equal, and nothing needs to be substituted.
77 The variable cases can also be solved very easily.
78 Trying to unify a variable with another term, we can just substitute that for the variable.
79 When unifying `x = 1`, we get back `{ x: 1 }`.
81 ```python
82 if isinstance(a, Var):
83 return {a: b}
84 if isinstance(b, Var):
85 return {b: a}
86 ```
88 Finally, let's handle tuples.
89 For this, we want to unify each individual component of the tuple.
90 We want the union of each of these unifications, so we'll update the dictionary each time.
91 We have to check if the sub-unification returned None and pass that along.
93 ```python
94 if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple):
95 if len(a) != len(b):
96 return None
97 env = {}
98 for (ax, bx) in zip(a, b):
99 res = unify(ax, bx)
100 if res is None:
101 return None
102 env.update(res)
103 return env
104 ```
106 Now you might see where this could go wrong, and we'll get to that in a moment with an example.
107 Repeating that function all in one piece:
109 ```python
110 def unify(a, b):
111 if a == b:
112 return {}
113 if isinstance(a, Var):
114 return {a: b}
115 if isinstance(b, Var):
116 return {b: a}
117 if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple):
118 if len(a) != len(b):
119 return None
120 env = {}
121 for (ax, bx) in zip(a, b):
122 res = unify(ax, bx)
123 if res is None:
124 return None
125 env.update(res)
126 return env
127 return None
128 ```
130 Now we can unify stuff:
132 ```python
133 >>> x, y = Var("x"), Var("y")
134 >>> unify(1, 1)
135 {}
136 >>> unify(x, 1)
137 { x: 1 }
138 >>> unify((x, 2), (1, 2))
139 { x: 1 }
140 >>> unify((x, y), (1, 2))
141 { x: 1, y: 2 }
142 >>> unify((x, x), (1, 2))
143 { x: 2 }
144 ```
146 Oops!
147 That last one is wrong!
148 So what can we do to fix that?
150 Well, we need to take into account context.
151 Let's change our `unify` function to accept an environment to work inside.
152 I'm gonna make this a pure function, so we don't update the environment, we just make a new version of it.
153 Some things are changed a bit when doing this.
154 We include `env` in all of our outputs, instead of starting from nothing.
155 We'll also include
157 ```python
158 def unify(a, b, env={}):
159 if a == b:
160 return env
161 if isinstance(a, Var):
162 return {**env, a: b}
163 if isinstance(b, Var):
164 return {**env, b: a}
165 if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple):
166 if len(a) != len(b):
167 return None
168 for (ax, bx) in zip(a, b):
169 env = unify(a, b, env)
170 if env is None:
171 return None
172 return env
173 return None
174 ```
176 This still doesn't do the right thing though, because we're not actually looking in the environment.
177 We need to look stuff up, so let's write a function to do that.
178 We'll just always call it, and if the term isn't a key for the environment, we'll just return it unchanged.
180 ```python
181 def walk(env, term):
182 if term in env:
183 term = env[term]
184 return term
185 ```
187 Now we can add these two lines at the beginning.
189 ```python
190 a = walk(env, a)
191 b = walk(env, b)
192 ```
194 With these modifications, we correctly handle the case we were stuck on earlier.
196 ```python
197 >>> unify((x, x), (1, 2))
198 >>> # look ma no solution!
199 ```
201 It's still not perfect though.
202 It doesn't properly reject this case where the conflict is two steps away:
204 ```python
205 >>> unify((x, y, x), (y, 8, 9))
206 { x: y, y: 9 }
207 ```
209 Here the problem is that we have two facts around, that `x = y`, and that `y = 8`.
210 Even so, it doesn't see that that means `x = 8` when it gets to the assertion of `x = 9`.
211 Luckily this is another simple fix.
212 We just keep walking through the environment as long as we have a binding.
213 Just change the `if` to a `while`!
215 ```python
216 def walk(env, term):
217 while term in env:
218 term = env[term]
219 return term
220 ```
222 And now this unifier should be able to handle any [(finite)](#postscript-unifying-infinity) hard cases you throw at it!
224 ### The Whole Unifier
226 Here's the whole program we wrote in one piece, in just 30 lines.
228 ```python
229 from dataclasses import dataclass
231 @dataclass(frozen=True)
232 class Var:
233 name: str
234 def __repr__(self):
235 return self.name
237 def walk(env, term):
238 while term in env:
239 term = env[term]
240 return term
242 def unify(a, b, env={}):
243 a = walk(env, a)
244 b = walk(env, b)
245 if a == b:
246 return env
247 if isinstance(a, Var):
248 return { **env, a: b }
249 if isinstance(b, Var):
250 return { **env, b: a }
251 if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple):
252 if len(a) != len(b):
253 return None
254 for (a, b) in zip(a, b):
255 env = unify(a, b, env)
256 if env is None:
257 return None
258 return env
259 return None
260 ```
262 Consider writing your own in your language of choice, or adding support for new datatypes.
263 It would be nice to be able to unify namedtuples and dictionaries and things, or do unification in the web browser.
264 Try it out for yourself, because next time I'll be talking about how you can go from here and use unification to build logic programs.
266 ### Postscript: Unifying Infinity
268 What was that earlier?
269 About only the finite cases?
270 Well, it turns out this unifier is good enough for implementing well-behaved logic programs, but it leaves out one complexity: the "Occurs Check."
271 This checks that a variable does not "occur" inside a term you unify it with, to avoid infinite solutions and non-termination.
272 Many old Prolog implementations left out the occurs check for efficiency reasons, and we can leave it out for simplicity reasons if we want to trust our programmers to only write finite terms.
274 But let's go look at the problem specifically.
275 We can write a unification like:
277 ```python
278 >>> unify(a, (1, a))
279 { a: (1, a) }
280 ```
282 If you think through this, you can see that `a = (1, (1, (1, (1, ...))))`, going on infinitely deep.
283 There are languages that work with logic on infinite terms like this, but applied naively it can end up giving us incorrect results or non-termination.
284 For instance, with proper support for infinite terms, the following should unify:
286 ```python
287 >>> env = unify(a, (1, a))
288 >>> env = unify(b, (1, b), env)
289 >>> env = unify(a, b)
290 ```
292 But instead, it gets stuck on the last step, descending forever.
293 There are two ways to solve this.
294 One is to embrace infinite terms and include fixpoints in your logic, giving you terms like `a = fix x. (1, x)` and `b = fix x. (1, x)`.
295 I don't know how to do this, though.
297 The other way is to detect unifications that would lead to infinite terms, and reject them.
298 We take our code that adds variables to the substitution, and add the occurs check there:
300 ```python
301 if isinstance(a, Var):
302 if occurs(a, b, env): return None
303 return { **env, a: b }
304 if isinstance(b, Var):
305 if occurs(b, a, env): return None
306 return { **env, b: a }
307 ```
309 If we're using the occurs-check here, then we know a few things:
311 - `a` is a variable that's already been `walk()`-ed.
312 - `a` and `b` aren't equal to each other, because earlier in the unify checked that.
314 This means that we can check if the literal variable `a` occurs literally in walked terms and subterms of `b`.
315 If there's a variable in `b` that's a synonym of `a`, then it will walk to `a` because it was the result of walking.
316 While it's safe to assume to that `a` has already been walked, note that we can't assume that `b` has already been walked since we're recursing over it.
317 Then, the implementation looks like this:
319 ```python
320 def occurs(a, b, env={}):
321 b = walk(env, b)
322 if a == b:
323 return True
324 if isinstance(b, tuple):
325 return any(occurs(a, x) for x in b)
326 return False
327 ```
329 Now if we try...
331 ```python
332 >>> unify(a, (1, a))
333 >>>
334 ```
336 We correctly don't unify this.
337 We've got sound unification over finite terms.
338 This is useful to clean the situtation up, but I'm still a bit sad to see infinite terms go...
340 ----
342 *Edit November 26, 2020.*
343 Thanks to Onel Harrison for giving some clarity feedback and pointing out some typos.