]> Witch of Git - web/blog/blob - index.njk
Update the attribution info and add avatars
[web/blog] / index.njk
1 ---
2 layout: "layouts/layout.njk"
3 eleventyImport:
4 collections: ["posts"]
5 ---
6 {% for post in collections.posts | reverse %}
7 <article class="post h-entry">
8 <header>
9 <h2><a class="u-url p-name" href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.data.title }}</a></h2>
10 <div class="info">
11 <span class="author p-author h-card">
12 {# TODO: Add actual author information #}
13 By <a class="p-name u-url" href="https://www.witchoflight.com/">Cassie Jones</a>,
14 <data class="p-nickname" value="porglezomp"></data>
15 <data class="u-email" value="mailto:cassie+blog@witchoflight.com"></data>
16 <img class="avatar square u-photo" src="https://static.witchoflight.com/ds/2024/witch-of-light-smallest.jpg">
17 </span>
18 <a class="published" href="{{ post.url }}">
19 {% if post.data.published %}
20 posted <time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ post.data.published | toRfc3339 }}">
21 {{ post.data.published | date("yyyy-MM-dd") }}
22 {%- if post.data.published | hasTime %} at {{ post.data.published | date("HH:mm") }}{% endif -%}
23 </time>
24 {%- if post.data.updated -%}
25 , updated <time class="dt-updated" datetime="{{ post.data.updated | toRfc3339 }}">{{ post.data.updated | date('yyyy-MM-dd') }}
26 {%- if post.data.updated | hasTime %} at {{ post.data.updated | date('HH:mm') }}{% endif %}
27 </time>
28 {% endif %}
29 </a>
30 </div>
31 </header>
32 {% endif %}
33 {% if post.data.summary %}
34 <p class="p-summary">{{ post.data.summary | markdown | safe }}</p>
35 {% elseif post.data.short %}
36 <div class="e-content">
37 {{ post.templateContent | safe }}
38 </div>
39 {% endif %}
40 </article>
41 {% endfor %}